Using Your Action Plans

Now that you’ve completed your action plans for prevention and recovery, here’s how to use them.

Review your plans
Start by spending 15-20 minutes each day (you’ll need less over time) to read through your plans. People report that the morning (before or after breakfast) is the best time to review the book. 

If you feel all right…
Do the things on your list of things you need to do every day to keep yourself well. If anything “rings a bell” with you, make a note to yourself to include it in your day.

If you don’t feel all right…
Review your plan to where your current symptoms fit. For instance, if you feel very anxious and know that it is because one of your triggers happened, follow the plan in the triggers section. If there weren’t any triggers but you noticed some early warning signs, follow the plan you designed for that section.

If you are in crisis…
Let your supporters know they should take over. In certain crisis situations, you may not be aware or willing to admit that you are in crisis, which is why a strong team of supporters is so important. They will observe the symptoms you have reported and take over responsibility for your care. Be sure to distribute your crisis plan to your supporters and discuss it for your safety and well-being.

Keep a copy
It’s recommended that you make a reduced-size copy of your plan to carry in your pocket, purse, or glove compartment of your car. Then you can refer to the plan if triggers or symptoms come up when you are away from home.

People who are using these plans regularly and updating them as necessary are finding that they have fewer difficult times, and that when they do have a hard time, it is not as bad as it used to be and it doesn’t last as long.


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