Dealing With a Traumatic Event
Traumatic events come in many different forms and impact us in a variety of ways. You may feel the effects of a traumatic event if you were directly involved, if your friend, family or co-worker was impacted, or just by hearing the news. Stress is a common reaction to these events and it is important to understand how to best cope with your feelings.
These healthy coping mechanisms can help you return to your best self:
Stay Informed
Staying informed on regular updates from officials will help relieve some of the stress you may be feeling. Be sure to watch or read the news from reliable sources.
Maintain a Schedule
Follow a normal routine as much as possible. You may be dealing with new challenges, but following your regular sleep schedule and eating at your normal times can help relieve stress.
Take Care of Yourself
Regular exercise is proven to help reduce stress. Take a short walk, practice yoga or stick to your regular fitness routine. Also remember to eat healthy meals and get plenty of rest.
Connect with Others
Reach out to family and friends to talk about your experiences and feelings. Talking to a trusted friend may make you feel better or help identify areas where you need help.
Know When to Seek Help
Experiencing stress for a short period of time is normal. If your stress impacts the activities of your daily life for more than a couple of weeks, you should seek the help of a professional. You can find help at a community resource center, or by calling your employee assistance program or behavioral health number on the back of your insurance card.
Quick References
For benefit information, call the number on the back of your insurance card.
Autism Helpline
General Inquiries
Substance Use Hotline
EAP Inquiries