Coping Strategies During Times of High Stress

  • When the stress is high stick to your routines – they will ground you
  • Change or adversity may trigger some of our negative beliefs – try your best to transform negatives into positives
  • Give yourself time to adjust to the changes going on around you – change is a process
  • Find a peaceful place and build at least 15 minutes of quiet “alone time” into your day
  • Read up on effective stress management techniques and incorporate them into your life permanently. These can be found in the local library, in bookstores, online sites devoted to stress management and healthy living, and at • Use prayer or meditation – get in touch with the spiritual you
  • Surround yourself with positive people – identify those in your support system who are supportive and make you feel good and nourish those relationships – communicate
  • Seek out healthy distractions – dinner with friends/family, movies, hobbies, walks, etc.
  • Limit your exposure to TV/radio as watching/listening may add to your stress
  • Eat nutritiously and get at least 7 hours of sleep
  • Make a list of all of your resources and use them
  • Be kind and caring to others – volunteer your time at a community program, such as a food bank
  • Reevaluate your priorities – set new personal/professional goals
  • Plan to get training on new skills, take a class, get all of the information you need to prepare to accomplish your new goals and also improve your current job skills
  • If you are having physical symptoms visit your personal physician – even if you are not experiencing symptoms make sure you get regular check-ups
  • Exercise, even if it’s a 10-minute daily walk
  • Use the coping skills that have worked for you in the past during difficult times you have experienced – draw on your inner strengths
  • Use difficult life experience as an opportunity to grow personally and professionally – these situations can also present many opportunities

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