Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

Provider Resources

Profile Updates


To avoid a delay in reimbursement of submitted billings, notify Lucet of changes of demographic or practice information:

  • Name Change
  • Primary practice or Billing location including phone/fax/email
  • Tax Identification Number (TIN) (must submit a W-9 if TIN has changed)
  • National Provider Identifier (NPI)

Changes must be submitted with the EAP Update form. Changes requested by phone will not be accepted.

Policies & Manuals

All Lucet Policies are available for reference and download.



Understand billing processes and access documentation.


To receive reimbursement of services, the authorization must first be completed. The authorization is two pages: the first page is the cover page, and the second page is the authorization and billing sheet. Please note that all sections of the billing sheet must be completed. Providers may submit billing on an interim basis or at the completion of all sessions, but must be within 90 days of the last session. Closing information, signature and date of case closing must be included when submitting the invoice after the final completed session; payment will be denied without this information. All sessions should be completed prior to the stop date. An extension of the stop date may be requested by calling 800-624-5544. Extensions may be permitted up to 30 days. Billing may be submitted either via postal mail, or by faxing to 816-237-2363, as indicated on the billing form. We do not accept billing submissions via email at this time.


In an effort to make the authorization process easier for our EAP providers, Lucet EAP offers an authorization prompt on its telephone system (800-624-5544, prompt 3). EAP providers can request an EAP authorization by leaving a brief voicemail message. Upon receipt of your message, Lucet will fax or mail you the authorization.

In the voicemail, please provide the following information only:

  1. Provider full name
  2. Provider phone number
  3. Client’s name and file number
  4. Date, time, and location of appointment

If additional information is required, a Lucet Customer Service representative will contact the provider. Please remember that authorizations must be requested within 30 days of the initial session.


Lucet’s EAP offers two alternative types of payment methods: paper check or electronic funds transfer (EFT). Payments will be generated and either mailed or deposited approximately 30 business days from the date that the billing submission was approved for payment processing.

  • Checks are mailed Monday with explanation of benefits (EOB) included, and arrive within 7-10 business days.
  • If this is the first time receiving payment from Lucet EAP, a paper check will be mailed; for providers wishing to receive payment via EFT, the included Direct Deposit Authorization form must be returned to the appropriate department, for future EFT payments.
  • Email messages for EFT transactions are sent on Thursday, confirming that a deposit will be made between Friday and the following Tuesday, depending on the receiving bank.
  • EOBs for EFT payments are mailed Monday and will arrive in 7-10 business days.


For Providers to be reimbursed at the whole hourly rate outlined in their rate schedule per their contract, Services must last at least forty five (45) minutes. Any session lasting less than forty five (45) minutes will not be compensated for, unless Lucet at its sole discretion elects to do so. The Provider agrees not to charge Covered Persons, their employers, or their health insurance providers additional fees (i.e., “balance billing”), in addition to, in excess of, or in lieu of, the agreed upon fee schedule for specific listed services. No co-pay is to be collected from the Covered Person.


There will be no compensation for no-show appointments or cancellations if the no-show or cancellation occurs on the first scheduled appointment. If the Covered Person attests in writing that they will adhere to the Provider’s no-show and cancellation policy a Covered Person may be charged for no-shows and cancellations occurring subsequent to the first successfully completed appointment. The terms detailing the no-show and cancellation policy to the Covered Person must be clearly understandable, reasonably allowing for emergency related cancellations, and should be conspicuous enough that the Covered Person should clearly understand to what they are agreeing.


Please contact Customer Service at 800-624-5544 (toll free) or 816-237-2352 between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. CST.

Authorizations & Referrals

Request authorizations, search our provider directory and more.


In an effort to make the authorization process easier for our EAP providers, Lucet EAP offers an authorization prompt on its telephone system (800-624-5544, prompt 3). EAP providers can request an EAP authorization by leaving a brief voicemail message. Upon receipt of your message, Lucet will fax or mail you the authorization. In the voicemail, please provide the following information only:

  1. Provider full name
  2. Provider phone number
  3. Client’s name and file number
  4. Date, time, and location of appointment

If additional information is required, a Lucet Customer Service representative will contact the provider. Please remember that authorizations must be requested within 30 days of the initial session.

Questions? Please contact Customer Service at 800-624-5544 (toll free) or 816-237-2352 between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. CST.


Lucet recommends the least intrusive intervention necessary for resolving a problem.

Treatments should:

  1. Be brief.
  2. Support and build on existing strengths.
  3. Foster independence.
  4. Encourage use of a variety of community resources such as AA and other self-help groups.

If the Client requires long-term therapy, or wants to continue counseling beyond the EAP benefit, you may self-refer the Client. However, it is very important the Client also be offered a referral to another Provider within the Client’s applicable insurance network. Should you choose to self-refer, please utilize the below form. You are responsible for finding appropriate, quality services for Clients in need of referrals beyond the EAP benefit. You are also responsible for assisting Clients with insurance benefit questions.

For outpatient referrals of Clients, you should consider the Client’s clinical needs, geography, financial resources and personal preferences. It is your responsibility to refer Clients to resources covered by the Client’s and within the insurance’s Provider Network when available and appropriate. If you need assistance, please call Lucet Customer Service 800-624-5544.

For cases you plan to refer, please call the Provider to determine availability and willingness to accept the case. If there is no Network Provider available, choose a provider in the community following the guidelines above. Help determine whether the Client can afford the Provider or if the Provider will “slide” their scale.

Many companies offer several insurance plans and make changes frequently. It is strongly recommended that Providers confirm benefits directly. Also, encourage the Client to confirm eligibility and coverage with the insurance carrier again just before the first visit.

