COVID-19 and Your Mental Health

Though vaccine distribution is picking up speed, there are still many unknowns for the future. We are all wondering when society will return to “normal.” As we sit with these thoughts, it’s easy to focus on the things we can’t control.

Part of grief is mourning the activities we simply can’t do right now. We must learn to recognize signs of stress and get ahead of feelings that may lead to depressive thoughts. Pay attention to your body. Watch for the symptoms below.

  • Clenching or grinding teeth
  • Feeling down or unmotivated
  • Tight shoulders/neck and tension headaches
  • Sleep troubles or disturbing dreams
  • Low energy or exhaustion
  • Difficulty focusing or calming down

It’s important to keep the end in mind. We might not be able to attend events, travel to see family or hang out with friends, but we WILL one day. We can’t control school closings, public restrictions or workplace rules, but we CAN improve our mindset which will ultimately increase happiness. Focus on what you can control below.

  • Stick to your sleep routine and get plenty of rest
  • Exercise regularly by taking walks, practicing yoga or even having a dance party at home
  • Eat healthy, well balanced meals
  • Avoid excessive alcohol or tobacco use
  • Connect with others through social media, phone, email, mail or in-person if comfortable
  • Make time for activities you enjoy

Give yourself grace and do not neglect your mental health. We can and we will cross this finish line together.

How to get help

  1. Call the number on your insurance card for a referral to a trained mental health professional
  2. Talk to your primary care doctor about your concerns
  3. Contact your Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

Quick References

For benefit information, call the number on the back of your insurance card.

Autism Helpline

General Inquiries

Substance Use Hotline

EAP Inquiries 

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