Autism Inclusion & Advocacy Toolkit

One in 36 children and 2% of adults in the United States are affected by Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Treatment for autism has evolved dramatically — more people are being diagnosed due to our expanded understanding and awareness that autistic people should be supported to live the lives they choose.

Use these resources to learn about what it means to be on the autism spectrum and share support for parents, teachers and loved ones. We encourage you to distribute, share via social media or print the materials in this toolkit. Let’s understand the facts to become #AutismChampions.


Tip Sheets


Join the Conversation: Autism Inclusion & Advocacy Month


If you think you or your child may have autism, visit Lucet’s Autism Resource Center for helpful information about obtaining a diagnosis and treatment.

Quick References

For benefit information, call the number on the back of your insurance card.

Autism Helpline

General Inquiries

Substance Use Hotline

EAP Inquiries 

Find a Provider